Maori language course ebook

An ideal ebook course for overseas travellers and newcomers who would like to understand or even speak some sentences in Te Reo Maori and learn more about the underlying Maori culture.
With word lists, example sentences, questions and answers, songs, wisdom and prayers - in ebook format to take away!
Te Reo Maori ebook: An Introduction for Travellers and Newcomers
Learning the Maori language (Te Reo Maori) is certainly not a must for a trip to New Zealand. But it can open your eyes to its very interesting cultural background, its traditional values and ways of thinking. It's absolutely not mandatory to turn into a fluent speaker, already a few greetings can open doors and melt the ice. If you happen to receive an invitation to visit a marae then prepare your own little speech with this guide.
This ebook tries to avoid endless details, if it gets too complicated just click to the next section. Includes lots of vocabulary lists and sentences, questions and answers, often-occurring songs, words of wisdom, and prayers.
Enjoy your trip to New Zealand!
Ebook contents
Introduction - History and related languages - The alphabet - Pronounciation - What makes learning Te Reo easier - What makes learning Te Reo difficult - Visiting a marae - Pōwhiri (welcome ceremony) - Greetings in the marae - Introducing oneself in the marae - Whai kōrero - Words - Words you probably already know! - Words which are often used - Greetings - Countries - Cities - New Zealand places - Names - Numbers - Weekdays - Months - Seasons - Times - Local expressions - Colours - The human body - Religion and culture - School - Family - Food - Modern words - Other frequently occurring words - Texting in Te Reo - Maori English slang - Auxiliary words and particles - Basic grammar: how to form simple sentences - Articles - Personal pronouns - Present tense - Past tense - Future tense - Passive - Possessive pronouns - Adjective reinforcements - Commands - Negation - Example sentences - Questions and answers - Other example sentences - Waiata - Proverbs - Prayers - More resources - Learning resources: internet - Learning resources: books - Online dictionaries - Other interesting resources - The author
Buy the Te Reo ebook direct from us for only NZ$ 6, in the generic free flowing EPUB ebook format, ideal for mobiles and tablets:
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