New Zealand travel planner

Planning your New Zealand travels - visa requirements, getting to New Zealand, travel expense, travel checklist, money, cost and prices, motifs on banknotes, when to come, temperature charts, sunshine charts, rainfall charts, list of airlines etc!
A collection of articles to support you during the planning and decision phase of your New Zealand travels.
- Will you automatically receive a visa for New Zealand?
- How can you book your flights?
- Where can you make stopovers?
- How can you save money in New Zealand?
- What are typical prices?
- How do you best change money?
- What can you see on New Zealand banknotes and coins?
- How much money will you have to spend?
- Did you pack everything (travel checklist)?
- What is the climate and how are the seasons?
- How much rainfall and sunshine can you expect?
- What New Zealand destinations are most popular?
- How should I plan my travel itinerary?
- What travel apps should I download?